Every organism on this planet has shared DNA. We are all related.
Microcentrum Rhombifolium

Every organism on this planet has shared DNA. We are all related.
The younger Silk Floss Tree has chlorophyll in the trunk so it can perform photosynthesis as it needs. That is the equivalent of being able to digest a granola bar in your pocket while you are at the dentist.
I know not what I appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me. – Isaac Newton
Barely in my imagination can a violence be greater.
On a set of bluffs during low tide, I managed to position myself on the rocks so I could get close enough to the water without getting wet or falling into the deep and dangerous water below. I found a spot where the water did not land due to the wind and the angle of the rocks. I settled in, secured the camera to my harness so I wouldn’t lose it in the water and started snapping away. The wind, noise of the water and the paranoia of a big wave coming in and grabbing me made it a very exciting shoot. The objective was to capture the crisp clear sea water bouncing through the air off these barnacle covered rocks. This shot is of the instant before the water crashes into the rocks. Of course the water is already frothy with excitement and the contrast is very exciting. To me it is a a dizzying display and shines like glitter. There is no material on the planet more destructive than water.
Useless, useless. Rain falling to the sea.
You are never really alone.
You see a lot of these on the beach of Playa Guiones, but the laws of Costa Rica are strict about not taking any shells with you when you leave the country.
I shot this in the back yard at La Joya de Esperanza one night on the D600 with a 11mm wide angle.
I took this photo of Amilkar rubbing the feet of Kimberly on the afternoon of Feb 7th. I shot it with a D600 on a fixed 50mm 1.8 Nikon lens. I crouched down low as I wanted to best capture the carrying eyes of Amilkar (who is a potter) as he caressed her feet. It was very sweet and they tolerated me snapping shots during their moment.
This photo was shot on a Nikon D600 with a Nikon 105mm Macro lens. The shot was taked about 10 inches from the subject in very low light. I had to jack the ISO up to get the speed I needed, but the camera performed well in the ISO range with little final noise after touch up.